Keith Gilbert - Health Alliance Australia

Keith Gilbert

Is Colostrum the Perfect Food?

Colostrum a whole food with 700+ nutrients that rebuild, repair, regenerate every system in the human body and 172K scientific studies.

Colostrum isn’t very well known and in our interview with Di Ellis she discussed how she used kefir grains mixed with colostrum and in recent interviews with naturopaths, Ross Walter and Garrett Smith they discussed the importance of nutrition, especially after detoxification and we thought it would be an interesting interview to hear more about colostrum and how it can assist the body to heal and how even pets can be fed colostrum. Keith Gilbert an independent associate of Anovite joins Health Alliance Australia to discuss colostrum.

According to Keith

“Bovine colostrum may be the best all-around natural health product in the world. Some people starting to take colostrum will notice a difference within a few days or weeks but most only notice it after a few months. Most, like me, will see a big difference after a year or so. Nothing I know of helps modulate the immune system as well as colostrum. Anyone with an autoimmune disease or digestive tract disorders should be made aware of colostrum. Anyone over 35 who is interested in slowing down aging may want to take colostrum as it stimulates the body’s natural production of hGH, the anti-aging hormone.

Bovine colostrum is nature’s most perfect whole food. It is made up of over 700 ingredients that work synergistically to produce profound healing, health maintenance and rejuvenation support. All mammals produce colostrum for their offspring, which is primarily used to kick-start their immune system. Cows are the only ones that produce their colostrum in a separate sac, which the baby calf needs to have soon after birth or it will either not survive or be sickly. Unlike other mammals, the colostrum is not transferred through the placenta to the fetus. Bovine colostrum is the only one that is not species specific. Although it is 99.9% bio-identical to human colostrum, it is 100-1000 more potent. It is about 98.7% assimilated by the body and has an impact on every single cell and system in the body. 

Bovine colostrum has been used by humans for thousands of years. There is no milk (dairy) in colostrum that has been collected within 6 hours of the mother cow giving birth. It only contains a small amount of lactose, as well as lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose), so most, if not all people who are lactose intolerant can tolerate it. It contains all the essential (not produced in the body) factors, all the basics (vitamins, minerals, enzymes) and all metabolic factors – all in a whole food form. It works on multiple systems simultaneously, primarily on the immune system, helping to build, strengthen and support it. It helps the immune system both offensively, dealing with what’s already there and defensively, dealing with what’s trying to get into the system. 

The three major categories of colostrum are Immune Factors,Growth Factors and Metabolic Factors. These factors strengthen the immune system by allowing the body to keep itself from getting sick less often and overcoming health challenges sooner. They increase growth hormone production by making you feel and look better – better skin, hair, nails and recovery from exercise). They increase metabolism by giving the body more energy that helps burn fat naturally, tones and builds muscle, making you leaner. Bovine colostrum contains over 100 immune factors, the entire 87+ IGF-1 superfamily with all the binding proteins and all 8 essential glyconutrients. 

As young as age 32, growth factors that keep a person youthful drop off dramatically. By taking colostrum with all its factors, one can bring back youthfulness. The most important of these growth factors is IGF-1, which colostrum is the highest known source of (2300 nanograms per gram). Colostrum stimulates the endocrine system to continue naturally producing hGH in perfect balance. Opposed to synthetic hGH, which is a synthesized form that can have side effects, colostrum contains the entire IGF-1 superfamily in a whole food form.

Colostrum is the only known source of Proline-Rich-Polypeptides (PRP), an immune modulator, especially important with people with autoimmune situations. About 25% of total solids in pure colostrum is PRP. It helps regulate the thymus gland. Research shows that PRP given back to a depleted body can allow the body to stabilize or even reverse cognitive issues. Colostrum has been shown to help with a wide variety of digestive system issues. Fat in colostrum acts as a carrier molecule that can cross the blood-brain barrier carrying other nutrients such as immune and growth factors along with other components attached to it. Many individual components of colostrum are currently being researched so they can be synthesized. There are over 175,000 research articles on bovine colostrum on websites such as PubMed.comScholar.Google. com, etc. Most of these studies were done with defatted colostrum or colostrum containing transitional milk.


True bovine colostrum is produced 4-6 weeks prior to birth and held within the body. Once the birthing process begins, it is dropped into the area where milk is produced for a window of about 6 hours. After that, it begins to transition into milk and by 72 hours, you’re buying it off the shelf with all of the components diluted to milk. Most colostrum sold today has been defatted and has been harvested well past 6 hours (even up to 48 hours) so that it contains transitional milk. The only company that markets bovine colostrum that has not been defatted and that has been harvested within the first 6 hours after the mother cow giving birth (certified by Dr. Donald Lein, Cornell University) is Anovite. This company has been marketing the same bovine colostrum since 1993. 

In 2003, Cornell University tested all colostrums that they could find worldwide and only Anovite was found not to be “transitional milk”, which was subsequently put on Cornell letterhead. Anovite named its colostrum ‘Colostrum6’, the ‘6’ representing both being collected within 6 hours after the calf’s birth and the 6 components (other than water) that comprise colostrum. The colostrum comes from a dairy farm network where cows are both grass-fed in the chute as well as in the pasture. This is so that they can be exposed to different things such as viruses and thereby build antibodies to them, which is passed to the colostrum. The colostrum is never taken from first-time mothers, only from second-birthing cows and later; a newborn calf needs about two quarts and cows produce 6-14 quarts. Colostrum6 is all-natural, not defatted, pasteurized, or denatured in any way and is tested for zero tolerance for chemicals, GMO’s, hormones, and pesticides.

It is the only colostrum that is completely organic, non-pasteurized, never frozen, low-heat spray-dried, and non-defatted that is available worldwide. Colostrum6 powder is pure, contains no fillers like rice protein, no excipients like magnesium stearate, nothing extra added – only the water has been removed.  It is  processed under 115° F and uses a low-temperature spray dryer to maintain the most bioactive colostrum on the planet. Each batch of Colostrum6 is tested to be free from pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, gluten and GMO’s. It is the world’s only certified 6-hour pure colostrum. The product has an over 80% reorder rate after six months. It has been voted the best colostrum in Healthy Living’s People’s Choice Award with 89.33%, 97.8% and 93% in 2012, 2013 and 2016 respectively. Each time, third-party testing was done using colostrum bought off store shelves.”

More information

Contact Keith Gilbert | Director

C: 773-744-2508

O: 800-314-5210

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