Articles - Health Alliance Australia


A coming tsunami of mRNA medicines

“There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines” Melissa J Moore, PhD and Chief Health Officer for Moderna. “It took our mRNA design team just one hour to design, that we immediately (**audience applauses**) put onto our manufacturing equipment. We were then able to make the mRNA, get it quality controlled, finished and shipped off to NIH for the clinical trials in 45 days. What I find truly remarkable is that mRNA sequence that took us 1 hour to design is the same mRNA that went into your arms. One hour to design a medicine that has saved countless lives” Melissa says…

Australian Senators Expose Collusion

Several important disclosures put on display the collusion between government, regulatory bodies, pharmaceutical companies and the media. It is very clear that they do not want to be scrutinized relating to excess deaths, liability, confidentiality of contracts, why Pfizer imported their own batches of covid19 vaccines, how covid19 death rates increased after the vaccines, or the mechanisms of how covid19 injections cause myocarditis and pericarditis. The important information shared below needs to be shared widely. SENATE ESTIMATES AUGUST 2023 At the Senate Estimates, Pfizer and Moderna employees were questioned on their covid19 injections. The two men testifying are Dr Krishan Thiru…

Australian Politicians who refused an inquiry into excess deaths

On the 24th March 2023, the Australian parliament voted on whether there was a need for further inquiry and scrutiny as to the reasons for Australian excess deaths, including why dementia and diabetes had seen significant increases in recent years and the vote 31 to 29 was not in favour of an inquiry. The Greens and the Australian Labor Party voted against the inquiry. Excess deaths is in Australia is a sigma 6 event, which is a one-in-1,000 event and we need answers as to why it is happening. Below we shall list the Senators who voted for and against the…

Australian Excess Deaths Alarming Data

Professor Peter Miller an expert in Statistics has provided his notes for distribution from interview with Dan Hanson HAA on 27th March, 2023. Please share widely. Navigation Corona virus vaccine research – historical and current context Excess mortality around the world Correlation of the data Causation and Bradford Hill principles Conflict of Interest Corona virus vaccine research – historical and current context Research on corona virus vaccines back to 1960 showed that the experiments were dangerous and highly unsuccessful with children, and animals dying from the experimental vaccines. The continuous theme in the research was to ‘never give this vaccine to humans”. So, alarm bells were ringing…

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