Videos - Health Alliance Australia

Live Webinar Recordings

Garrett Smith

Join us in a revolutionary two hour discussion with Dr Garrett Smith to understand these hidden toxins marketed as healthy, the methods of detoxification, how to support your body to heal, nutrition for long term health and avoid the pitfalls of self harm by paying for products that are really harming you. …

Di Ellis

Alternative healing of chronic fatigue, Lyme disease and suspected cancer with Di Ellis. She is a veteran warrior in this space and we have an uncensored discussion talking about her experience healing herself using alternative healing modalities. She has experience with vax injury, chronic fatigue, lyme disease and suspected cancer as seen in…

Dr Keryn Johnson

Dr Keryn Johnson joins us to discuss how healing happens on the atomic level. This is an important concept and model to explore because regardless of whether the toxin is mRNA, prions, bacteria or viruses or chemicals; if we can break down substances to the atomic level, and support the body’s immune system…

Mathew Goddard

Mathew Goddard joins us to discuss how stress is trapped in the body. We often think of stress as something mental, but in our discussion with Mat we explore how trapped stress in the body (as opposed to the mind) leads to disease. We discuss historical and cultural context of the TRE technique…

Dr James Giordano Brain Tech – the promise and perils. Utopian dream or Dystopian Nightmare. The technology of neuroscience has rapidly developed and it holds incredible potential but huge risks. With civilian and military applications, it can be used to treat neurological diseases and spinal injuries, with gene editing/ CRISPR and neurolink implants designed to improve cognitive…

Dr Kevin McCairn The silent disaster of bio-warfare prions infecting humanity If the spike protein of both the infection and the jab is an engineered prion, a result of bio-warfare research and development then this has grave implications for humanity because these weaponized prions are far more dangerous than viruses. The most commonly known prion disease is…

Everyday Doctors Episodes

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