Live Webinar Recordings
Melissa Jolly Graves
How Melissa Jolly Graves healed terminal Cancer (Neuroblastoma) without drugs, radiation or surgery. She was diagnosed with cancer (neuroblastoma) in 2020 which is a deadly and aggressive cancer. Typically a cancer of children, doctors did not know how to deal with it as it presented in Melissa as an adult. She became…
Keith Gilbert
Colostrum a whole food with 700+ nutrients that rebuild, repair, regenerate every system in the human body and 172K scientific studies. Colostrum isn’t very well known and in our interview with Di Ellis she discussed how she used kefir grains mixed with colostrum and in recent interviews with naturopaths, Ross Walter and Garrett…
Ross Walter
Groundbreaking interview with Ross Walter who says ADHD is due to whole body toxicity and dysfunction and if you find the individual root causes and treat these, ADHD can be reversed. It need not be a lifelong condition managed with toxic drugs. …
Nicky McLeod
Nicky McLeod suffered from epilepsy but healed herself of seizures by correcting her dysfunctional breathing using the Buteyko breathing method. Her story is a powerful testimony. She took a Buteyko breathing course to help her husband with his snoring and within the first week of that course, that was the end of her…
Trevor Hold
Highly toxic chemicals are being sprayed on large areas in Queensland, including food growing areas, private property and this is being done by helicopter, drones and foot, on areas that do not have fire ants and multiple times a year. The poison has been found in waterways. Animals have died. People are reporting…
Laura Kaplan Shanley
Childbirth is meant to be a natural, painless and ecstatic experience but because of fear and interventions, stress hormones released shut down birth hormones like oxytocin and when those birth hormones are not flowing, babies can get stuck and women have all kinds of problems….we can have great births, we don’t have…
Everyday Doctors Episodes
Everyday Doctors – Episode 4
Professor Robyn Cosford …
Everyday Doctors – Episode 3
Dr Catherine Fyans …
Everyday Doctors – Episode 2
John Thompson – ex psychologist …
Everyday Doctors – Episode 1
Professor Ian Brighthope …