James Roguski - Health Alliance Australia

James Roguski

Speaks with Australian Health Professionals

Recorded Live Tuesday 17th May 2022 and Hosted by Dan Hanson of Health Alliance Australia, James Roguski exposes the WHO’s upcoming power grab.

Recorded Live Tuesday 17th May 2022 and Hosted by Dan Hanson of Health Alliance Australia, James Roguski exposes the WHO’s upcoming power grab.

James Roguski is an author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into simple language that is easily understood to facilitate action.


World Health Organization (WHO) Is Attempting a Power Grab

  • Most people have never heard of the International Health Regulations (IHR). Australia is obliged to comply with the IHR as a member state of the WHO. https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/ohp-biosec-health-regulations.htm
  • The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland this May 22-28, 2022. The Assembly will vote on the amendments to the IHR. They are very likely to pass and be enacted into international law unless “We the People” stand up against this attack on our sovereignty.
  • These amendments are designed to confuse the member nations into giving away even more of their sovereignty.
  • In addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, the WHO has also set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is separate from, and in addition to, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations mentioned above.
  • The “Pandemic Treaty” does not yet exist. It is being drafted and negotiated right now. Discussions regarding the “Pandemic Treaty” are important but they are also part of a sophisticated diversion to confuse people and get them to ignore the immediate concern, which are the Amendments to the IHR being considered by the World Health Assembly from May 22-28.
  • The time to speak out and stand up for your rights is NOW.


James’s main article is here:


His Activist Toolbox is here:


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