The String Theory Will Take Down Half the Vaccines on Earth
In this episode Dr Joe Lee explains, The String theory which dismantles the Science that antibodies kill viruses and that vaccines provide immunity because if anti-bodies are not the mechanism to kill viruses, then vaccines are all harm and no benefit.
The String theory explains white fibrous clotting, sudden deaths especially of athletes, why boosters are particularly bad and ischaemia as the mechanism for brain, organ and tissue damage.
Also to be discussed in this video, the corruption of Fauci, and other players in this fraud, how the body actually heals from infectious disease, the power of fasting, RNase enzymes the true hero of the pandemic, inflammo-thrombolic response as the cause of harm in the body, how data is manipulated, interleukin and interferon, holding the medical establishment accountable for misconduct which nullifies their immunity.
A truly revolutionary podcast that will not only change the way you see healing but also completely dismantles The Science of Vaccination.
When you have been taught something verbatim as the truth, it can come as a shock to realize that the model that medicine is based off; that is antibodies confer immunity and are good to have in the blood, is actually untrue. Antibodies are a waste product of infection and serve no purpose to heal from viruses but actually become harmful when they cause the blood to become sticky and coagulated, leading to oxygen deprivation in the tissues, organs and body. That in the worse case scenario leads to death.
“German physicist Max Planck somewhat cynically declared, science advances one funeral at a time. Planck noted “a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”
We have reached a critical juncture in human history with an unprecedented number of excess deaths and with an ever expanding childhood vaccination schedule leading to devastating health outcomes for children, we need to open our hearts and our minds to the reality that we have been duped and this is not just about mRNA vaccines but in fact, all vaccines.
Dr. Joe Lee’s information threatens the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry and the suppression of this knowledge is also costing lives. Every vaccine put on the US childhood schedule, equates to 1 billion dollars a year in sales and the covid19 vaccine, over the first 1.5 years since the rollout of the COVID vaccine, Pfizer made $56 billion dollars and Moderna made $34 billion.
Dr Joe Lee began his journey by asking the question, how was it possible that without COVID antibodies, people were able to recover from COVID because no one had a COVID antibody in 2020? He wrote a detailed letter to Fauci in February 2021, explaining to him how the c19 vaccine was never going to provide immunity. See below
The fatal flaw was that even if antibodies were able to confer immunity (which they don’t) the COVID antibody is 145,000 Dalton molecule and our blood lung barrier can keep water molecules out at 18 Daltons out of our lung air space, which is where the COVID virus is infecting lung cells. So where is the path for the antibody to get through the lung barrier? There is none.
He sent letters to all the pharmacies and put them on notice for distributing the vaccines. kept a paper trail and was booted off Twitter with 50k followers. He is truly a censored doctor, and the cure that he has found for COVID is also free; and it is ubiquitious in our bodies and the environment; RNase enzymes break down RNA.
Water fasting activates the RNase enzyme that destroys viral mRNA by the activation of more RNase enzymes. The establishment hate him but he has also put the American Academy of Pediatricians on notice because under the Prep Act, they void immunity if they commit woeful misconduct. Woeful misconduct is to remove his critical information.
The elderly and obese were more affected by COVID because of the build up of defunct proteins, that can absorb reactive oxygen species and thus it takes longer to activate more RNase enzymes.
Dr Lee saved his 99 year old grandmother who was admitted to hospital with the Flu into a COVID ward and insisted no IV glucose and as a result of fasting, she walked out 4 and a half days later on her own two feet!
Below is the diagram that explains why boosters cause a string of antibodies and antigens to form in the body. It is why those who have high antibodies in their blood, when they take a booster shot, are at grave risk of sudden death, as their process of assembling of the antigen (from the booster) and antibodies (from previous vaccination) continues unabated. Even the very idea of giving boosters where antigens are injected that use up the antibodies, according to the current established Science of vaccination is ridiculous. For what purpose? Essentially nullifying any benefit from previous jabs but unfortunately actually multiplying the harm, as these long, white fibrous clots form in the body.
Half the vaccines currently on the market fit this criteria. So this is not just about covid19 genetic vaccines but many of the vaccines on the childhood schedule.
Children are being maimed and killed because of vaccines. Vaccines that are unnecessary and if they do provide protection, it is only for a limited time due to the body producing interferon but that wears away very quickly. So negligible benefit, if any and all risk of harm. In the video, we also discuss why athletes are dying suddenly,

Dr Joe Lee’s theory can bring down the whole vaccination industry because it attacks the foundation on which vaccination is based; that is the theory that anti-bodies provide immunity to viruses. There is a tsunami of vaccines in development but already a huge childhood schedule and because vaccine manufacturers think they have immunity from liability, they will continue to make more vaccines to bring to market. When the vaccines injure children and people, these people become life long customers of the pharmaceutical industry and while it was argued that the risk/benefit was worth it, the vaccine narrative could continue unchallenged. If the focus is on certain ingredients in the vaccines or delivery platform, pharma could just change that and voila, “safe” vaccines.
In recent times, the focus has been on COVID vaccines as being more harmful but this has not dampened the sales of the new RSV and meningococcal vaccines, which has actually exceeded Pfizer’s expectations.
If you go back and watch our podcast with Dr Richard Fleming and bear in mind the connection between inflammo-thrombolic response in the body (think clotting and ischemia) then you can also draw a line to other diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzeihmer’s, etc..
Imagine that? The root of many modern diseases finds it’s foundation in vaccination.
The question is, do you hold this information to yourself or do you share it widely amongst your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues or do we wait for more deaths to pile up before we let go of our egos and fear of being ridiculed.
How many funerals will it take?
Dr Joe Lee’s Twitter
Dr Joe Lee’s Substack
Document linking jabs to clot formation