William Bay - Health Alliance Australia

William Bay

Speaks with Australian Health Professionals

Recorded Live Thursday 18th of August 2022 and Hosted by Dan Hanson of Health Alliance Australia, William Anicha Bay who was working as a GP Registrar in North Brisbane, QLD, challenged AHPRA to de-register him for his opposition of the Covid MRNA vaccines, until they recently suspended him.

In 2010 he was successfully awarded a full scholarship to Monash Medical School in Melbourne on his first attempt. He previously worked as the Coordinator of the Cancer Services Southern Clinical Network in QLD and the English Editor to the Korean Government in 2005-6 where he also worked as a Visiting Professor of English.

As well as being an award-winning chess player, cellist, top Australian telephony salesperson and Bitcoin cryptocurrency trader, William has also studied Buddhist meditation and lived as a monk before converting to Christianity in March 2022.

Most recently he has challenged Australia’s CMO to a nationally televised debate or any other form of spiritual combat he wants to end the question once and for all: are the MRNA vaccines and the Covd-19 mandates good or bad for human beings? Finally, William founded and leads the Queensland’s Peoples’ Protest, a God-centred community organisation dedicated to peacefully ending the State of Emergency in QLD and restoring human rights and democracy to his fellow Queenslanders.

As a successful, principled, married with children, white, male, cis-gendered, uncensored Christian and a patriot of Australia, William Bay represents everything wrong or right with the world according to your point of view.

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